I want to try something here that ... rather failed miserably on Tu some time ago
This i Shadow gear, a character of mine my friend helped me make
( thought it'd be funny too to have me crushed under him ;w; )
I want you to ask him stuff, and as a sub project basically let me start a ask system - *cant say ask blog incase*
He's a 6 armed book worm and can have a terrible temper depending on the time of day ... but not too bad
ask ANYTHING ( and i'll do my best to make some ask art for it that's how this goes )
also, likes sour and on occasion spicy foods, not sweets, stands at 4'3 and .. the wings are more cosmetic than usable.
*inst sure what else to add*
ASK AWAY EVERYONE!! Girashu and i await the comments. ( Girashu Shioda or Shadow Gear are his names )