Just a derpy artist for fun dont post here that much but trying to fix that <3

Age 28

Artist & Writer

Vesper relay, Venus

Joined on 3/26/17

Exp Points:
15,625 / 16,030
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7.93 votes
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ProjectNetoku's News

Posted by ProjectNetoku - June 1st, 2020

If you're having a bad week, have a Gizmo for support. iu_127857_6314211.jpg



Posted by ProjectNetoku - September 30th, 2019

So a random update to maybe prove im not dead and being puppeted by tendrils:

Birthday was a good few dasy ago- im now 23 ... and I'm still not accomplishing too much in my life- BUT IM STILL ALIVE somehow BUT YEAH ALIVE. Moving to watchamacallit, Oregon within the nest 4 months here, and looking right now for work around town- trying to get into a Petco just general work. Today, 9/29/19 my Laptop caught fire as I salvaged what left I could off that piece of junk. Not kidding two hours after it overheated from the battery and just POOF!

No I dont have pictures, do have a burnt hand ... kinda burnt.

Going through what I salvaged and tomorrow well today- it's the 30th ... going to start working on a few characters. I'll just turn on music and nothing will stop me from working!!!! ... unless family maybe.

Oh and it's official, my tumor's officially gone. I now have no excuse for anyone to put up with me if they dont like me ( aka 90% of ppl I know ) XD bad humor but anyways I hope everyone had a good week and I'll be posting tomorrow if I can get something done.



Posted by ProjectNetoku - July 22nd, 2019

I have nothing against drawing nsfw but I don't wanna become known or liked only because of drawing lewd content like most people end up falling into, and also in terrible personally at nsfw art ( and art in general I caught you to it ahah ahah )

Art favoriting nsfw eise- M or A rated I try to avoid so no one sees nsfw content if they are trying to avoid it. Also in case somehow a kid sees page they don't get led to nsfw.

And also I'm not pure I'm a lewd soab, I just avoid mentioning it like many ppl on Newgrounds xp ... And so I don't weird ppl out ( holds up kanna lolis and gets banned )



Posted by ProjectNetoku - June 7th, 2019

mental note:


short vase shaped hat and odd mask with points or elephant horns


shopkeeper: sells various items and crafts potions with mixed results.

talking to them for long isnt wise- in game she would drone on and on about various random event text without pause.

Kizuungue ( kih - zune - goo )

heavyly effected by the wither, friendly but can be attacked; will turn into a large aesymetrical behemoth covered in horns and spines with three tendrils on back in zigzaged pattern.

sells trinkits made from killed wither remains ( in game they would provide buffs- some with great buffs at the cost of debuffs, and a few odd ones ) can be found underground or randomly in Estel's deserts. Speaks in a stuttering click using teeth to speak.

Posted by ProjectNetoku - June 6th, 2019

yall mind if i just ehem . . .




IT'S TIME . . .


Posted by ProjectNetoku - May 21st, 2019

Im afraid that today- the predicted but unwanted happened . . .

( Not dying again dont worry )

The Warframe Spring Dojo Contest has ended and the winners were announced. Im afraid the Netoku Embasy was not among them. We have sadly lost. With the lack of up-votes or any real attention from the forum on the submission post I had figured in a very crude sense no one was interested in it, but it's still rather hard to process.

This dojo was never made for this contest- it's just meant for the Tenno, my fellow warframe community- well xbox specifically to enjoy and use to their hearts content. it will still grow and expand over time even if it's a slow pace, and it will still be about the community and it's users, not a silly glowy trophy ... but having even a 1000p bonus for our dojo woulda helped so f#%@ing much guys- ive dumped in over 60$ for that place just ugh ;o; XD

I'll post a few shots of the dojo for personally my favorite rooms. Im happy even on newgrounds it did get actual traction even if not that much- made me happy :3

AND looking at a positive i can now upgrade us to shadow clan rank and i can make us a Barracks!!!!! Gonna theme it after a medical bay- idea's off a clan owner's dojo I met about a month back- themed after alien. gonna just keep the medical part but it looked DOOOOPE. Thank you for reading and sorry for being on hietas so much- could say stress family another things but i know that doesnt really count as an excuse anymore.






( if you play warframe on xbox and need a clan we're always open, just be active more than once a week please ;w; )



Posted by ProjectNetoku - May 18th, 2019


The bank if sol's almost ready

Just showing it off rq but this will be the last dojo room to work on for Warframe!

Btw spent 145p alone here! Go solo funding!!!







Posted by ProjectNetoku - May 3rd, 2019


If you're curious feel free to check out the dojo contest post and even bump it to help get the clan a better chance at winning the contest

Plan on using the plat to get better decor for the dojo, sprucen up the area and make it nicer to view in a sense

and I'll also be giving half of what plat I get to the allied clan I trust enough to use

Posted by ProjectNetoku - April 1st, 2019

My immediate thought to today's shenanigans was new grounds was protesting article thirteen bullshit with the EU but I could be way off x'3 no I'm not gonna be making pranks or whatever don't think its worth it. Also assuming the "I guess its ok since I have no choice" bit gets rid of this- nah I'll let my account sit this way for now


Posted by ProjectNetoku - March 1st, 2019

Incomming megapost!!!

For those of you who play on Warframe ( and xbox specifically- sorry ) Ive been working on a clan and detailed expansive dojo for the past ... I wanna say almost 2 years- slowly self funding it all alone til a few months ago when I slowly met and started getting help from a few buddies called Toastychief and NutsPolar

I had planned on making the clan ready and open by February 5th however due to delays on projects, xbox having issues and lots of medical stuff irl to take care of I have had to put the opening on Hietes ... hietas? you know what i mean! XD

Im just making this post today to show off some of the rooms for the dojo / base HQ. Little bit of context about everything you'll see I placed myself decorwise and funded for those who dont know how clans work in warframe. Lots of item grinding and careful placement! Some rooms might seem alittle MEH but it's all wip plus I design everything on spur of the moment.

Ill start things off with the Grand hall Shrine- formally the spawn of the dojo but it's slowly being changed to the rightmost room or somewhere on the 4th floor of the dojo. Including access to a bottom right arcade room and a little shop ( aesthetics we cant make shop keepers in dojos rn ;w; ) a little Ayatan display shelf and soon to be access to kingpins command room.iu_10290_6314211.jpg

more side view of the room


top room shrine ( if that symbol looks familiar it's how i adres myself sortof like a logo stamp )


Moving on to the left top rooms of this third floor we have a throne ... cathedral room

It was suppose to be a fancy Orokin themed throne room but it slowly morphed into what looks like a church cathedral


( note any solid yellow or cyan blue objects with hexigonal patterns if visible some might not be spottable- those are unfunded items and funded but still building items- blue's funded and building )

more birds eye view of this room it's a bit outdated of a shot but it's about the same


THe Guardian's Retreat - funded between me and Toasty- decided to let him have future reign of this dojo room but he's happy with it as is- though maybe with a table for us to meet at in the back inside the stone monument- thinking of adding webs too for effects


behind shot from the epicenter where clan members can meet at for meetings and events


A little tribute area for Toasty :3 does look like a grave though eheh ;w;


Moving on to floor 2 this area focuses on labs ( aka blueprint making for clan members ) and a clan honors area where we display personal best pc and xbox ( sorry ps4 ) clans- however im most likely going to make this into a clanmate honors room for best donator or winners of contests )


more angled view


from there the labs arnt really that interesting to look at but I'll showcase the grineer and corpus labs for that floor rq.



Lastly for floor 2 our still wip obstacle course- sorry for the dark lighting i thought it would have made it more interesting just feels edgy with the black red or someone just forgot to power the generator XD

iu_10302_6314211.jpg( red is a death barrier that resets the course basically a fail barrier- there's also laser traps and dissapearing floor ppl can interact with )

Moving on to floor one we have alot of rooms to showcase not as organised in the slightest how theyre placed but most good rooms have a teleport to get there faster anyways

Ill start off with the orokin Lounge complete with a treasury kiosk and a little xmas area


it needs more work but idk where to go with it tbh . . .

outside this nearby is Camp seedlits- a themed grassy room with a makeshift campsight

be careful tenno animals lurk in the woods ( floofs / plusihes are placed around makes it more organic to me )


Next up we have the Sol observatory themed around venus, mars, earth and lua/moon



lastly I'll leave off with floor 4 and a shot of the Gravity garden- not the only project for this floor however

( un atm i dont seem to have a shot of this room seems like i forgot to take care of this- ill edit it in asap however )

As a last last note I [plan on adding a themed room for the Grineer and Corpus as well as a decorative Movie theater room cinema lobby- they wont function sadly but im sure they'll be interesting to see once done! Looking at the general GMOD Cinema room for design ideas- main theater if i have enough space will be split into two big theaters you can enter into, and if i have enough extra space above ill lay out small other rooms players can access

My Discord made for this clan has a suggestions area for players who actually join- from cln ideas to server suggestions to even event ideas and giveaways!

This doesnt explain why ive been afk forever im really sorry guys- depression, errands, medical appointments and lack of will to do art anymore its been slowing me down but im not dead yet so I'll start working on things for you to enjoy ;w;

At any rate hope you guys like the clan sofar- if you wanna join it and maybe help out with the grind so we can make even better rooms and faster lemme know! No you dont HAVE to farm but it's appreciated and i plan on giving rewards to common helpers too :3

Ill shut up now sorry- take care fellas