when you love her but she eats you out of house and home ... like she ate my house ... it's really cold here in space guys
when you love her but she eats you out of house and home ... like she ate my house ... it's really cold here in space guys
Get your space suit on and snuggle with your giant waifu. she is your home now
better not show this channel to my buddy
hes a big fan but not in a way that's safe at the office
yeah he wasnt the best person...
thats perverse =3=
so does that meen noodle boops = noodle boops?
ok ill go XD
Seems about right
i see why friendship is magic now ... ok sorry i dont know a good joke post for this i just woke up XD
Tranquilo, muchas gracias XD
i've been meaning to ask- not meant as a negative but i am curious;
where are her eyes?
are they gone or just blackened or maybe her eyes are always closed and im just being a complete dope XD
If it helps im into stranger characters not sure why
Oh. XD
Nah, I like to add one tiny creepy trait on some cute characters. Her's is the dull doll eyes.
immediate thought
that pizza song ( not the one with putting cheeze on his junk the other one )
and every two notes of that accordian their necks go up and down :D
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought of their heads bobbing up and down, hehe!!
we just got a new puppy last night so this is funny yet giving me ptsd over her reaction to our maincoon cat gizmo- kept going after his tail his face was like WHAT IS THIS THING OMG GUYS HEEEELP :O
Haha I hope things work out for you! I've got a shy 3yr old cat who gets super grumpy with our new kitten, he just won't leave her alone! Thankfully her good side is showing nowadays and she's becoming nicer to the kitten ^^
sleepy noodle >//w//<
She is a noodle! hahah
nsfw ending of Serial Experiments Lain
sorry sorry XD
Haha, you think so?
you are filled with determination
(and also stars)
many, many stars.
Just a derpy artist for fun dont post here that much but trying to fix that <3
Age 28
Artist & Writer
Vesper relay, Venus
Joined on 3/26/17