In a sense- beating your ham >w>
In a sense- beating your ham >w>
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ nyeh~
didnt even see the title name and i coult tell who it was :D
Love it, but kinda laso looks like a corn man to me ... idk what a corn man is just be creative heheh
very nicely done with the lighting and shades
i wasnt sure what the texture of his skin would be like... he looks dead but he is still very clearly alive...
Immediately reminded me of the Helmith charger from Warframe
Google it ok?
Love the sketch here
Thank you! I'm glad you like it!
I use to be single like you
Then I took an arrow to the knee
...d-does not seem happy about her current situation ;w;
( hands giant fluffy towel )
ok you can go no more suffering for the waifu
very cute but i kinda wish there was more to it- maybe background stuff or something but im actually not sure what.
Thanks, I know its pretty bare and empty but I'm not that great with backgrounds.
I'm gonna have to work on that.
But thanks for the advice; much appreciated!
you know im surprised the alphys comments havent shown up yet
Good it's back >w >
anyways what i was gonna say before is GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY THIS IS ADORABLE HOOLLY SHI-
*jumps out of a window*
but really love the shading love the detil the hat even- looks awesome as hell an she just looks ... so ... GAHHHHAHAHHAH *flips table*
Saved, Faved Star raved it's all the good shYTE ! XD
Thank you! :D
Interesting, always good to see ppl messing with asthetics, body types and other things :3
Will there be more and is this more than just concept art for the heck of it ?
h...hall ...
Just a derpy artist for fun dont post here that much but trying to fix that <3
Age 28
Artist & Writer
Vesper relay, Venus
Joined on 3/26/17