I see you have bought the Dlc >w>
adorable ... but needs more flowers ... maybe- it's nice as is but idk details details details :3
I see you have bought the Dlc >w>
adorable ... but needs more flowers ... maybe- it's nice as is but idk details details details :3
my mind immediately went Ava's demon fanart for a sec there. nice buuuuuutt you should add something else to her ... not sure what
Thank you!
you better keep 5 stars this is gorgeous
being me though im automatically wanting more details and hidden stuff somehow like grunkle stan poking out somewhere or something "weird" in the area idk. Loving this, also mentally piecing together how you drew all this together :3
( can never do that god D@mn shine and glow effect for the mushrooms and sunlight heheh )
Well thankyou very much, glad you like it, the shine and glow is just some low opacity trickery :^]
Ravioli Ravioli
dont lewd the Aiko loli!
(srry )
very cute, simple but a taaaad rough- but i's charming
im not great at reviews fack
Now first off, How did you add the effect of a paper kind of look to it- the gradient or texture, that's what I'm curious about :3
also, what book is she reading there in specifics? anything more than just a magic book :P
I used a noise filter for the paper-like texture, as for the book, I didn't really think it through lol
maybe add a couple ppl in the painting in the left bottom there for some extra detail ?
all i can recommend for now.
never used those tools but i have animation studio 2015 or something like that
looks excelent but two things- first, nose; second will there be pearl?
is this gonna be an animation or just art ?
looks nice sofar, like the pose XD
Thank you,
this will be an Animation....
the Animatic is 1:30 long....
but the final product may be longer may be shorter...
either way. keep your eyes peeled.
I coulda sworn the image moved like the tent and trees swayed .... i cant be that tired can I ?
Just a derpy artist for fun dont post here that much but trying to fix that <3
Age 28
Artist & Writer
Vesper relay, Venus
Joined on 3/26/17